Saturday, January 4, 2014

Low-Fat Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet

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Low-Fat Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet

A low-fat, whole foods plant-based diet, also known as a low-fat whole foods vegan diet, has been popularized by Dr. John McDougall, author of The McDougall Program, and Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of Eat to Live. On both plans, the dieter adopts a totally vegan diet and concentrates on eating naturally low-fat whole foods. The diets center around eating fruits, legumes, whole grains and vegetables. McDougall and Fuhrman advocate this type of diet for weight loss and to obtain maximum health.

A vegan diet excludes all foods made of or by animals. All meats including poultry, fish and seafood, all dairy products, eggs and animal byproducts such as lard and gelatin are abstained from on a vegan diet. The diet consists of plant-based foods such as grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, vegetarian meat substitutes, soy products such as tofu and soy milk, other dairy substitutes and oils.

Whole foods are foods containing all of their nutrients naturally provided by Mother Nature. Whole foods have not been processed or refined, and they do not contain synthetic, artificial or lab-created ingredients. Nothing has been added to them, either, including fiber or protein. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains such as brown rice or oatmeal, nuts and legumes are examples of whole foods.

Processed foods, conversely, are foods that do not look as though they could be found in nature "as is." Prepackaged foods such as frozen dinners and canned soups, all purpose flour, refined sugar, anything with trans fats or high fructose corn syrup, junk food, artificial sweeteners, sodas, "diet" foods like Weight Watchers bars and SnackWell's cookies and store-bought juices are examples of processed foods.

The McDougall program completely eliminates fats. Salt is also severely restricted, with only small amounts allowed to make food more palatable. On the plan, the dieter can eat unlimited whole grains such as oats, barley, brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat couscous, vegetables and legumes. However, all nuts and seeds are banned, and fruit is limited to two servings per day. For maximum weight loss, Dr. McDougall also recommends reducing the consumption of soy products.

The Eat to Live program eliminates fats and all foods containing flours until the individual reaches an ideal weight. On the plan, the dieter eats an unlimited amount of non-starchy vegetables with slight restrictions on the consumption of fruits, grains and legumes. On the diet, it is recommended that 1 pound of salad and other raw vegetables be eaten every day with 1 pound of cooked non-starchy vegetables, four servings of fruit, 1 cup of starchy vegetables and whole grains, 1 cup of legumes, 1 ounce of nuts and 1 tablespoon of flax seeds. Once an ideal weight is reached, unprocessed fats and foods with whole wheat flours may be added back into the diet but must be consumed sparingly.

Studies suggest that a low-fat vegan diet based on whole foods can aid in weight loss, help with diabetes, lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of developing heart disease, osteoporosis and cancer. For example, a study by Stanford University suggests that a low-fat vegan diet has twice the cholesterol-lowering power of omnivorous low-fat diet. Similarly, a study done at George Washington University revealed that eating a low-fat vegan diet helps individuals better manage type 2 diabetes. A study performed at University of Massachusetts Medical School revealed that a low-fat vegan diet slows cancer growth, and similar results were discussed by T. Colin Campbell in The China Study.

Dr. Kerrie Saunders also published the "Vegan Diet As Chronic Disease Prevention: Evidence Supporting the New Four Food Groups," which explores numerous scientific studies and evidence that suggests eating meat and dairy causes disease and, conversely, observing a vegan diet will prevent and cure diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many others. Most recently, research done by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn suggested that a fat-free vegan diet can prevent and reverse heart disease.

A balanced vegan diet will provide the body with all of its nutritional needs. However, a poorly planned diet may result in deficiencies of vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids and iodine. Therefore, it is important that any individual on a vegan diet eat a wide variety of fruits, legumes, grains, nuts, seeds and vegetables to ensure adequate nutrition.

Plan ahead what you will buy at the store. The food in your cart goes to your pantry; the food in your pantry goes into your body; so buy only whole, plant-based ...

Low Fat One of the most popular diets, people pursue low-fat diets for many reasons, including weight loss and disease prevention. Typically, the American diet ...

Aprons and Apples is using Pinterest, an online pinboard to collect and share what inspires you.

28/09/2010 Plant Based Diet With Whole Foods. Many people who are used to eating typical Western meals with components of meat, starches and vegetables often aren't ...

Whole Foods Market will be carrying the Engine 2 food line this fall, a great idea for those with a busy lifestyle and following a plant based diet.

A new mom's adventure with a whole foods, plant-based diet (by Chelsea)

I discuss how we eat, what we eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner and other things.

Whole Foods Diet. Lifestyle, fitness & health information about Whole Foods Diet. How to Eat a Whole Foods Diet, Whole Foods Diet for Cancer, Whole Foods Diet & ...

Want to Lose Weight, Lower Your Blood Pressure, Have your arthritis disappear, Have all Your Aches and Pains disappear... then try the plant based whole ...

Plant Based Diet & Whole Foods - Vegan Diet - Living Foods

Lemon-spiked Greek yogurt creates a zingy sauce for crisp blanched green beans. Serve chilled or at room temperature.

Forks over Knives documentary - watch on campus here: View the movie (for BGSU faculty, staff, and students, courtesy of private donations and funding from the Center ...

For anyone interested in the science & politics of nutrition, & why there is still much confusion about the value of a plant-based diet, Whole is a must read.

A whole-food diet simply means to eat foods that are unprocessed and close to their natural state. Certain diets incorporate whole-food eating, particularly ones ...

The China Study Community The information source for the whole food, plant-based diet movement PDF file

This handout may be duplicated for patient education. C ancer experts agree that eating a variety of colorful fruit and vegetables, grains, and legumes (dried peas ...

Top kale salad whole foods recipes and other great tasting recipes with a healthy slant from

A collection of low fat recipes, articles, tips and suggestions on low fat cooking, low fat foods, and eating a low fat diet.

This guide provides and introduction to whole foods: diets, cooking, recipes and health benefits. Read the tips and guides for using whole foods.

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